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HSA— Account management

Learn how to find your HSA balance, manage your profile, add a beneficiary, edit dependents and more.

Updated over 2 years ago

Use your online account to easily update and manage your HSA.

Read on to find out specific details on using your HSA, or jump to a section with these links:

How do I find my HSA balance?

To locate your Health Savings Account (HSA) balance(s):

  1. Log into your HealthEquity online account.

  2. On your home screen, click the HSA tab on the left side.

  3. View your HSA balance in the Balance card

How do I reimburse myself from my HSA? 

If you have paid out-of-pocket for a qualified medical expense, you may request reimbursement from your Health Savings Account (HSA) to be paid back via check or a verified external bank account (EFT). You do not need to submit substantiation documents for a reimbursement from your HSA, but you should retain those receipts in your personal files in case of an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of your HSA. 

Reimbursements are typically processed within three business days. 

How do I update my username, password or security question and answer?

Update your username

1. Visit your online account and select My Account, Profile, Profile Details, and then Change Username/Password.

2. Enter the security verification code in the provided box and click Continue.

3. Create your new username. It must be at least 6 characters and contain only letters and numbers.

4. Click Save.

5. You will receive a username change confirmation below the Save button.

6. Click Cancel to return to the home page or follow the instructions below to update your password or your security question and answer.

Update your password

1. Log in to your online account and select your Profile by clicking on your name and then Profile and select your account.

2. Locate the log-in and password section, and select the pencil icon.

3. Enter the security verification code and click Continue.

4. Enter your current password, then enter your new password, then re-type your new password to confirm.

  • Minimum password length is 8 characters.

  • Passwords must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one symbol (any standard punctuation character found on the keyboard).

  • Passwords cannot contain part of your username.

  • Passwords are case sensitive.

5. Click Save.

6. You will see the confirmation below when your password has been successfully updated.

Update your security question and answer

  • Adding an account security question and answer can enable HealthEquity Member Services to access your account if your password is forgotten. Your security answer must meet the following guidelines:

  • The security question and answer can enable HealthEquity Member Services to access your account if you call in for any reason. It can also be used to help you reset your password online if you forget it.

    • It must have at least 4 characters.

    • It shouldn't match your account password.

    • It shouldn't be something that can be discovered on social media.

    • It shouldn't be based on something that changes frequently which may make it harder for you to remember.

To change your account security question and answer:

1. Visit your online account and select My Account, then Profile, Profile Details, and then Change Username/Password.

2. Enter the security verification code and click Continue.

3. Click Change security question.

4. Enter your password, select a security question from the provided list and then enter your answer to the question.

5. When complete, you will receive this confirmation:

6. Click the Click here link to return to the home page.

How do I update my email address, address, phone number, or name? 

Note: Updating your personal information in your member portal does not update your information with your health plan or employer. You must contact them directly to change the information they have on file. 

1. Log into your account and select Account Details. Then click on the My Account tab, select Profile, then Change Email Address. 

2. Enter the updated email address. 

3. If desired, check or uncheck the options to receive email when: 

  • HealthEquity receives a new unpaid claim 

  • HealthEquity pays a claim 

  • HealthEquity receives a new contribution (transfer, rollover, etc.) 

  • There is investment activity (trades or portfolio changes) 

4. Click Save to confirm your changes. 

Change address and phone number

1. From the Account Details tab, choose My Account and select Profile, then Change Address/Phone. 

2. Click the item you'd like to change and enter the updated information. 

3. Click Save to confirm your changes. 

Change name

1. Log into your account and click General Forms, and then locate the Change of Personal Information Form. Complete the form and provide the additional documents needed. 

2. Include a copy of a marriage license, divorce decree, W2, or Social Security card with your updated name. 

3. Once you have completed the form, choose one of the options listed on the form to send the information to HealthEquity. 

How do I add a beneficiary to my HSA?

To add a beneficiary to your Health Savings Account (HSA):

  1. Log into your HealthEquity online account.

  2. From the homepage, select the HSA tab.

  3. Select Beneficiaries under Manage Account on the right side.

  4. Select your marital state.

    1. If you are married and designating a beneficiary who is not your spouse, or if you live in a community property state, an additional signed form is required. The page will provide details for how to submit this form.

  5. Select Continue.

  6. Click Add Beneficiary.

  7. Enter personal information for the new beneficiary and click OK.

    1. First name, last name and relationship are required.

    2. Birth date, Social Security Number (SSN) and address are not required on the form but must be completed before any funds can be sent to the beneficiary.

  8. Set the Primary percent or Contingent percent. Primary designations must add up to 100% before you can save your changes or set any contingent designations.

  9. Click Save.

How do I add, edit, or remove a dependent in my HSA?

To add a dependent to your Health Savings Account (HSA):

  1. Log in to your HealthEquity online account.

  2. From the homepage, choose the HSA tab.

  3. Under Manage Account, click Dependents & Authorized Users.

  4. Select Add Individual.

  5. In the Add Individual window, enter your dependent’s information and check the box next to Dependent to designate the individual as a dependent on your account, then select the dependent’s gender. Please note the following:

    1. For some types of reimbursement accounts, changes or updates to your dependents must be submitted through your health plan or employer. You will not be able to add or change them manually.

    2. Dependents may not be added for some types of incentive accounts or employer-defined reimbursement accounts.

  6. Click Save to save your changes. Your dependent will now appear in your Dependents / Authorized Individuals table.

To edit or remove a dependent

  1. Log in to your HealthEquity online account.

  2. From the homepage, choose the HSA tab.

  3. Under Manage Account, click Dependents & Authorized Users.

  4. Locate the individual in the list you’d like to edit or remove, and click the pencil icon in the table row to edit.

  5. In the Edit Individual window, make your desired changes, or uncheck the box next to Dependent to remove the individual as a dependent. You may also remove all designations and remove an individual from the list entirely by clicking the trash icon for that individual in the Add / Edit Individuals list.

Inserting image...

Note: This will not add or change your dependent’s information with your health plan or employer. You will need to contact them directly to change the information they have on file. For assistance with this process, please contact member services at 866-346-5800.

How do I add or remove an authorized individual to my HSA? 

Your HealthEquity account allows you to designate a person as an authorized individual who can receive help or account details from member services. Authorized individuals may perform certain tasks depending on the access level granted to them. 

Authorized individuals with limited access may: 

  • Receive account information such as, but not take action on, balance, plan information, transaction details, or payment details. 

  • Take action on their own card only: activate, reorder, report lost/stolen 

Authorized individuals with full access may: 

  • Receive account information such as balance, plan information, transaction details, or payment details. 

  • Update account information and request payments to providers. 

  • Receive billing information necessary to manage payments. 

  • Request a reimbursement. 

  • Take action with any card on this account: activate, reorder, report lost/stolen, block etc. 

Authorized individuals cannot do the following: 

  • Close the account 

  • Add a beneficiary 

  • Add another authorized user 

Follow these steps to add an authorized individual: 

1. In your account, click on Dependents and Authorized Users.  

2. Click Add Individual.

3. Add the new individual’s information and make sure to check the Authorized Individual box. 

4. The dialog will then ask you to set the individual’s access level from drop down options. 

5. When you have verified that all the entered information is correct, click Save.

Removing or editing an authorized individual 

  1. Log into your account, select My Account from the dashboard, then Add / Edit Individuals.

  2. Click the pencil icon next to the name of the individual whose access you wish to edit. 

  3. In the Edit Individual window, make your desired changes and click Save. To remove the individual’s access entirely, uncheck the Authorized Individual box. 

  4. The confirmation window will review the results of removing the individual. If you agree to the changes, check the agreement box, and click Save Changes. 

What is the fee to administer my health savings account (HSA)?

HealthEquity may charge a monthly administration fee to cover the maintenance costs of your account. This amount varies depending on your specific plan.

How to find your admin fee:

  • Review the welcome kit you received when your account was initially set up.

  • Check your account statement for a list of fees deducted each month.

  • Contact HealthEquity member services at 866.346.5800.

Please note: Your administration fee may change if you leave your current employer or switch health plans.

Waiving fees

Your monthly administration fee may be waived if you maintain a cash balance over $2,500. For more information, please contact member services.

How do I fix HSA distributions for ineligible expenses?

Your Health Savings Account (HSA) should only be used for qualified medical expenses.

If you spend HSA funds on a non-qualified medical expense, the money will be included in your gross income for tax purposes and is subject to an additional 20% penalty. Once you reach the age of 65, the penalty no longer applies, but the non-qualified distribution is still subject to income taxes.

If you made a distribution for non-qualified medical expenses or made an overpayment to a provider, here's how to correct it:

  1. Log into the your HealthEquity online account and select General Forms under Manage Account and fill out the Mistaken HSA Distribution Form and return it via email, mail or fax using the information on the form.

    1. The form can be downloaded below by clicking 'Download Form.'

    2. The form includes the following:

      1. An agreement that the distribution was a mistake and not done intentionally.

      2. Banking information for HealthEquity to use to reallocate the funds.

  2. You can replace the money in your account by the tax deadline of the following year without penalty or tax.

  3. HealthEquity can help correct mistaken distributions for the current tax year and one year prior, which may include amended tax forms and require additional tax filings if done outside of the current tax year.

Note: HealthEquity does not provide legal, tax or financial advice.

How do I opt-in to electronic statements and tax forms?

Electronic statements and tax documents are better for the environment than paper statements. You may also avoid a paper statement fee. Here is how to enroll:

  1. From the My Account tab of your HealthEquity online account select Profile Details from the Profile menu.

  2. Check the Email Settings section to confirm that your email address is correct.

  3. In the Electronic Records section, select Edit/Update next to the message about statements.

  • You can also enroll in electronic delivery of tax records by selecting the Edit/Update button next to that option.

4. Review the terms and conditions, then select the option to consent to electronic delivery.

5. Click Submit to complete your enrollment.

What if I contribute more than the Health Savings Account (HSA) annual contribution limit?

HSA contributions in excess of the annual contribution limits are not tax deductible and are generally subject to a 6% excise tax.

If you have contributed too much to your HSA, you can do one of two things:

  1. Withdraw the excess contributions and the any income earned on the withdrawn contributions before you file your federal income tax return (including extensions). You will pay income taxes on the excess removed from your HSA but avoid the excise tax.

  2. Leave the excess contributions in your HSA and pay 6% excise tax on excess contributions. Next year you may want to consider contributing less than the annual limit to your HSA to make up for the excess contribution during the previous year.

Consult with your HSA trustee to return excess contributions and determine net income attributable to the excess contribution. See Form 5329, Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (including IRAs).

How do I link an external bank account? 

You can add your bank account details in the HealthEquity member portal to make it easier to send and receive money via electronic funds transfer (EFT).  

External account verification

This allows you to add and verify your bank account information for immediate use.  

1. Log into your account. Go to Account Details. 

2. Select My Account Profile Details.

3. Scroll down to find External Accounts and click on Add. 

4. Enter account information 

5. Click Save Account

* When you see this confirmation, your bank account has been added. 

Note: Your account may be locked if verification fails; please contact HealthEquity for further assistance. 

Additional external account verification

1. Log into your account. Go to Account Details. 

2. Select My Account Profile Details.

3. Scroll down to find External Accounts and click on Add. 

4. Enter account information. 

5. Click Save Account.

6. Select the account purpose: 

7. If your account will be verified, HealthEquity will place a small deposit into the account, usually less than $0.50, within two to three business days.  

8. Once the deposit is received, return to Account Details and select My Account. 

9. Under Account, Payment, Contribution, Settings, click Verify.

10. On the Account Details screen, enter the deposit amount in the provided box and click Verify.  Your bank account should now be ready to use. 

Note: It may take up to five business days for the initial contribution and/or reimbursement request to clear the account. 

How do I close a Health Savings Account? 

If you would like to close your Health Savings Account (HSA), please note: 

  • Once you receive your remaining balance, you have 60 days to contribute your funds into another HSA in your name or use them for qualified medical expenses. 

  • Funds not contributed into an HSA could be subject to income tax. 

  • Funds used for non-medical expenses could be subject to income tax and an additional 20% penalty. 

  • You should stop any scheduled payroll contributions through your employer before requesting the closure. 

  • Funds returned via check are sent to the account owner's address on file. If that address is not current, you should update it before requesting the closure. 

  • You must liquidate all investments before your HSA can be closed. HealthEquity does not automatically liquidate investments on your behalf. To do this, you must log into your online account and select Sell All for each of the funds that you own.  

Account closure process

1. Complete the account closure form by logging into your account, selecting General Forms and locating the Account Closure form. Fill out all the information and send to the address on the form.   

2. We will process your form within three weeks. 

3. We will initiate a blackout period of five business days to allow outstanding transactions to process. You cannot use your Health Savings Account (HSA)funds during this time. 

4. We will apply a $25 fee to your remaining balance. See below for more information. 

5. You will receive the funds from your HSA via the method you requested on the form. 

  • Check: 7-10 business days after the blackout period  

  • Electronic transfer: 2-3 business days after the blackout period  

  • When requesting an electronic funds transfer (EFT) a voided check or verified bank account information is required. 

6. You will receive a final closure statement when your HSA has been closed. 

Account closure fee

The $25 account closure fee covers ongoing support for the account, including:  

  • Account history in the member portal with a complete record of transactions, claims, statements, and more 

  • Tax forms for each year your account was active with HealthEquity 

  • Access to our member services team for any support you may need in the future 

What happens after a Health Savings Account (HSA) holder dies? 

HealthEquity strictly follows the custodial agreement in regard to account closures due to death and the process of sending funds to beneficiaries and will review the form within two business days. 

Beneficiary on file

Account balance will be paid to the beneficiary on file. 


1. A death certificate 

2. The “Health Savings Account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder” form signed by the designated beneficiary, which can be found by logging into your account, going to General Forms and selecting Deceased form. Complete it and send it back to HealthEquity.  


1. Check made payable to the named beneficiary 

2. The address for the check can be changed by the beneficiary on the “Health Savings Account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder” form. 

3. If the beneficiary is a spouse, see “No beneficiary, has legal spouse” below. 

Beneficiary on file is under the age of 18

At the time of death, if any of the named beneficiaries are minors, an adult guardian must hold and manage the money until the beneficiary reaches the age of majority. 


1. A death certificate 

2. The Health savings account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder form, which is found when you log into your HSA and go to General Forms, signed by guardian 

3. Guardianship paperwork 

  • Any legal paperwork showing who the parent/guardian is. For example: birth certificate, adoption paperwork 

4. Check can be made to either: 

  • The estate 

  • The guardian, in care of the minor's name 

Address for check can be changed by the guardian on the Health savings account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder form, which is found when you log into your HSA and go to General Forms. 

No beneficiary, has legal spouse

Account balance will be paid to the legal spouse. 


1. A death certificate 

2. The Health savings account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder form signed by spouse, which is found when you log into your HSA and go to General Forms. 


1. Check can be made to spouse or estate (spouse’s choice) indicated on the “Health Savings Account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder” form. 

  • Spouse can choose to transfer funds into another HealthEquity HSA or have check mailed to a different HSA custodian. 

  • This does not count as a contribution and therefore can occur even if the spouse is no longer on a qualified high-deductible health plan. 

  • The spouse will need to complete an enrollment form if the spouse does not have a HealthEquity ID already. 

2. Address for the check can be changed by the spouse on the Health Savings Account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder form. 

No beneficiary, no legal spouse

Account balance will be paid to the estate of the deceased member. 


1. A death certificate 

2. The Health Savings Account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder form, which is found when you log into your HSA and go to General Forms

3. Court estate paperwork or small estate affidavit (also known as the “Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property,” often used when a spouse or family member passes without a will) 

4. Check can be made to successor (named in the estate paperwork or small estate affidavit) or estate (successor's choice) 

  • Address for check can only be changed by successor on the Health Savings Account (HSA) instructions upon death of account holder form and with the supportive documents of court estate paperwork or small estate affidavit. 

How do I integrate my HealthEquity account with Quicken?

HealthEquity has seamless integration with Quicken through their Express Direct Connect tool. This will allow you to view your HealthEquity balance information through your Quicken account.

Setting up the integration takes about five minutes and requires you to enter your HealthEquity username and password.

  1. Once logged into your Quicken account, go to the Tools menu and choose to add a savings account.

  2. From that point, Quicken will walk you through the setup process.

Please note that the process will require a multi-factor authentication email from Quicken. This is a standard part of their security process.

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